Friday, August 29, 2008

Another Blog Site?

I keep wanting to comment about all sorts of things...the Olympics, politics, the weather, nutrition, current events and just life in general....but I don't want to do it on this blog. I guess it seems like it just doesn't fit in with the family issues...since this is a blog about my family.

I am toying with the idea of starting a second blog since I enjoy it so much. So what's stopping me??? I am hung up on what the name of the blog should be! Any suggestions? Let me know what you think.


Anonymous said...

Call it "Sarah Says" - i forget if you use an h or not - hope Esther Marie is better we are praying for ya'll - my arm is getting better but it's no fun. Love that VP pick - you go girl!! Margaret

Anonymous said...

The "fil-oss-a-fur's" Insights
by Sarah

Anonymous said...

I think maybe something like "Notes from a Mom"
The Banana