Saturday, August 23, 2008

Morning Breath....ALL DAY! Whew!

Esther Marie has terrible breath right now.....they had to put some packing into the cavities in the roof of her mouth after the surgery. It will eventually dissolve away, but for now, it is collecting germs and smelling more and more every day. We are not allowed to brush her teeth during the healing time and the doctor said it wouldn't help the smell anyway. He told me not to use Listerine I would even think of doing that! (laugh)

So the next time you see us and are close to Esther Marie, that's what the smell is!

On another note, we can already tell a difference in the way Esther Marie sounds when she is talking (vocalizing)....YIPPIE!!!!!!!!!! The "buzzing" sound is gone and she sounds less nasal!!! Thank you, Dr. G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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