Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Turn About Is Fair Play?

We are watching men's beach volleyball right now....Tuesday AM....and Jasper and I had this same thought....

....since the women's team wears bikinis....why do the men wear long shorts with sleeveless t-shirts?

President Georgie Bush had photos taken while he was hugging up to the women on the ladies' beach volleyball team...it was highly publicized.

Soooo...where are the photos of Mrs. Laura Bush hugging up to the hunky guys in their Speedos??? (giggle)

Hey...what gives? Isn't turn-about fair play? Of course we are joking...but we did think the photos of the Pres hugging the young ladies were inappropriate...what do you think?


Anonymous said...

How 'bout George "W" in a Speedo? Can you imagine THAT? LOL

Anonymous said...

I don't think the dude should even be there... . much less hugging half naked women as a married man.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm how about Mrs C out there ...b