Monday, June 30, 2008
A Funny Thought...
Just thought I would share that funny thought with you. Hope you have a good Monday blessed!
The Beginning of New Week
I had shared the woes of an overcrowded bed with a friend before I left and she urged me to get a king-sized one BEFORE leaving for China. Well, I didn't do it....I rationalized that I didn't have the money, which is really the truth. Consider how much a king-sized bed is plus all the new bed linens. Anyway, rest is important but with kids who like to shadow you in bed, I am not sure how much a king-sized one would really help...and it would crowd my bedroom more than it already is. I got 2 hours of sleep on Friday night and just 5 on Saturday...sigh. Okay, enough about my sleeping woes and being tired! zzzzzzzzzzzzz Oh excuse me...I dozed off for a to continue....
Patrick left on Saturday...late afternoon. Waaaaaaaaaa. I loved having him here and miss him terribly. He was my "baby" before all my current babies. Of course not really "my" baby, but I was 15 when he was born, so he's pretty special to me. I love having him visit, and I will never be able to thank him enough for helping me by keeping the two oldest while we were away. We are looking forward to perhaps visiting him later in the summer when Esther Marie is more settled. He lives in a sweet little town in a coastal area. We'll stop by to see the grandparents as part of the trip also, so they can meet their newest grandchild.
Well, what's on the agenda for this week? Jasper is having estimates done for a new roof. Another expense at just the right time...not! But it can't be helped since ours is old and leaking. It's hard to believe our house is over 20 years old and we have been here for about 14. We are at that point where everything needs to be repaired or fun! I am sure many of you know what I am talking about...carpets, flooring, paint, appliances. But a roof....well, that can't wait any longer....drip, drip, drip.
The kids are not involved in any more organized activities this summer.....and that is on purpose. We wanted things to be slow and low-key to give Esther Marie a chance to get used to us. I think we are going to check out the public library programs to see what's happening there. Sometimes they have kids' events in the theater, which would be fun. I don't think we are going anywhere for July 4th, but not sure yet. If we do, it will be to visit family to introduce Esther Marie.
What will you be doing to celebrate the July 4th holiday? Post a comment and let us know.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Questions Asked, Answers Given
We've had many questions asked about Esther Marie, so I thought I would post a few with the answers since the majority of you have not had a chance to see us or meet her yet since we returned from China.
1. What name will you call her?
Her Chinese name is Hai Mei (sounds like "hi" and "may"). We are calling her that right now because she responds to it. We have included her Chinese name in her new legal name but have combined it....HaiMei. We will transition to calling her Esther Marie as the weeks go by. When you meet her, you can call her Esther Marie.
2. How old is Esther Marie?
She is 26 months old. Her birth date is April 7th, which is more special to us because she shares the same birthday as her daddy.
3. How much does she weigh and how tall is she?
She weighs 23 lbs....sometimes a little more depending on how heavy her diaper is! She is about 32 inches tall.
4. What language does she speak?
The language from her area of China is Cantonese. We think she speaks a few words, but we are not really sure since we don't speak the language and her sounds are probably distorted because of her open palate. She does jabber away at times, wagging her little finger at the same time. She makes some of the same sounds over and over.
5. Will you teach her English or will you hire someone? (It was hard to keep from laughing when I was asked this.)
She will learn English from living within our family, just as any child does. She is a good imitator and a fast learner and already seems to know many things.
6. Do you know who her "real" mother is?
I have to be honest with you and tell you that this question is always offensive to an adoptive mother. I am her "real" mother...the one who is taking care of her and will for the rest of her growing up years. Her "birth mother" is not known to us and we will probably never know who she is. We do have a real love for her birth mother who chose life for her so she could be part of our family.
7. How many surgeries will Esther Marie need to have?
Only God knows the answer to this one. We do know right now that she will need one to repair her open palate. Later down the line as she grows, she may need to have another palate surgery. She will also have a bone graft surgery in her gum line when she is in elementary school. There are also dental issues with her teeth and missing teeth, so orthodontics is definitely required with possible tooth implants or bridges. Speech therapy will be ongoing for years.
8. What are those spots on her arms and face?
When Esther Marie was found, she had been attacked by ants...and from the scarring, we believe they were fire ants, which are prevalent in southern China. These scars from the wounds should diminish with time. A dermatologist's office told me they do not treat bug bite scars on children...and we are guessing because of the regenerative quality of youthful skin.
9. What is her favorite food to eat?
Right now, Esther Marie pretty much likes ALL food. She does seem to reject eating most solid foods, but we think that's because she is not used to the texture. She loves her bottle which she gets once or twice a day. We are continuing to give her a bottle to help promote bonding and to help make her feel secure. She really enjoys the different variety of baby foods she has been trying since most flavors are new to her. Cream of wheat, grits and oatmeal are favorites because they are similar to Chinese congee (watery rice soup).
10. What does Esther Marie like to play with?
She loves little books and dolls. She likes Joshua's police car that makes sounds and has lights. She has been playing "kitchen" with her sisters and brother. She likes little people and animals she can hold in her hands. She enjoys any electronic item that she can get her hands on. Pretty much, she is a VERY inquisitive child who wants to check out everything.
11. What is her personality like?
She is a cheerful child who smiles a lot....very smart, funny and inquisitive. The little expressions on her face are ever changing and often comical. We frequently break into laughter and she loves it and keeps doing funny stuff. Does that mean she is a "little ham" ?? When she smiles, it lights up the room and my heart. She loves to help and seems to like being part of the family. Sometimes she does withdraw when she is tired, laying on the floor quietly. But when you approach her and call her name and smile at her, she lights up. I feel such joy when she runs to me and wants to be picked up. When I am doing things in the kitchen, she pulls over the little stool and stands on it to watch me, jabbering away like she is giving me instructions. Sometimes she is bossy and wags her finger at me and jabbers. She is not shy around our family and she definitely lets you know what she wants. Bedtime is her least favorite time and she fights it by crying and then playing. I think she just doesn't want to miss one exciting new adventure in her life.
If you have more questions, just let us know. If they are appropriate, we will answer them on the blog site.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
My Favorites The Last Couple of Days
Hannah and Joshua...great smiles!
Peek-a-boo....Pee-Pie....this is one of my favorite games that makes me giggle.
A true southern girl...eating eggs and grits...and all by myself, too.
At VBS...checking out my sissies...gee, they are tall.
I was taking a photo of Joshua and MaryAlyce when Esther Marie just ran over and threw herself by Joshua and grabbed his leg so she could be in the picture. This is a big step toward bonding with her siblings.
Home For a Week Now
I have stayed close to home until Thursday night when I was forced by necessity to seek out Walmart. We mainly needed baby food and diapers, so I had to go. The shopping experience was interesting with Esther Marie. She seemed happy at first in the shopping cart, but when she began to whine, I dug out the little "nibbles" of stuff to help keep her happy. I like watching her face as she has new taste sensations. This night I tried Gerber Graduates Peach Puffs. She needed one in each hand! I got the guy checking me out to put all of the stuff in a box because I am tired of all the plastic bags. When we got home and I placed it on the kitchen floor, Esther Marie thought it was great fun to examine all the items. Friday when I was feeding her lunch, she brought me what she wanted and after she finished each item, she would go for another one. After three things, I stopped that entertainment. The others were watching her and egging her on. Babies and children in China usually don't ever have enough to eat or learn the feeling of being full, so when they get to America, the food amounts and choices overwhelm them and they can tend to overeat. I was told by the experts....that's okay....they need to experience what "full" means.
Hannah and MaryAlyce have been going to a Vacation Bible School this week at the little Baptist church close to our home, so today they had a closing program that Emmie and I went to. We sang songs and Esther Marie joined right in with hand motions and even a little dancing with her sister. Snow cones and a giant inflatable Titanic slide were a great ending to the week...but it was SO HOT! (sigh/melt) Joshua ended another week of summer school and tells us he has been working on a play that he wants us to attend soon. He has a couple of more weeks and then he's out of school for the rest of the summer. Since we didn't join the pool this year, I have NO clue what we will be doing in the heat...but I am sure we'll think of something.
I hope all of you are staying cool and enjoying your summer. If you have some "cool" summer fun ideas, just post a comment to this blog entry!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Doctor Appointment for Esther Marie
When we were in China, Esther Marie had a mini medical examination before we could leave the country. She got really upset when the doctor examined her. Please pray with us that things will go well next Wednesday and her anxiety will be minimal.
We'll give you an update after the appointment.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
More About Our Little Punkin
Esther Marie is doing really great at home...much better than we expected. We are staying close to home with her to help her feel secure. She smiles alot and likes to play....and she seems to be fitting in well with our family. Night before last, she discovered mom's cell phone that was charging and she figured out how to turn it on. I heard click as she snapped a photo of nothing. An accident? Well, if it was, she figured out how to turn it on again and again. She also keeps trying to type on the computer, loves to "talk" on the phone and she has "bonded" with the remote control, no matter that the t.v. is not on. (laugh) Taking those batteries out over and over was ALOT of fun. Another "tekkie" in the family??? Uh huh! When we gently take these things away, she cries and wants them back.
It's a joy to me when she sees me across the room and runs with delight toward me wanting to be picked up, her little mouth open wide with wonder. And with her's the funniest thing...when he picks her up, she starts blowing kisses to the rest of us and waving bye-bye. We are not sure if she thinks he is taking her somewhere or if she has gotten "bye bye" and "ba ba" confused. "Ba ba" is the Chinese word for "daddy." Well, either is pretty dang cute! She really is very observant and watches us closely. Yesterday morning, after I took a photo, she picked up the lens cap and smacked it into the lens to try to put it back on. She points alot and jabbers with a serious look on her face so Patrick has decided she is imitating some bossy caregiver at the orphanage. That made us all chuckle. At one point, she pointed to the tissue and I gave her some. She balled up a piece in her little hand, wiped her face all over and then threw it away. She was imitating exactly how I had wiped the tears off her face the day before. She loves eating and gets VERY excited at meal time. I hope that means she will be gaining some weight quickly. She is about 32 inches tall...rough measurement...and 23 lbs. She is mostly eating mashed up banana with yogurt, baby foods with baby cereal, and drinking a couple of bottles a day (formula). She enjoys nibbling Cheerios too. She seems to choke on solid foods right now, so we are avoiding most of those.
Nap time or bed time is Esther Marie's biggest anxiety producer. She cries when it's time for sleep and it will just break your heart to listen to her. Yep, I am one of those moms who can't just let her squawl in bed, so I pick her up. I can happily report that she doesn't show any signs of "night terror" which was such an issue for MaryAlyce. And once asleep, she does get several hours before waking. Please pray that this time will get easier for her. She is still having trouble with mixed up sleep/bed times also.
As I said in an earlier post, bonding is the most important thing right now. How are we promoting this? Well, I am her primary caregiver...and daddy is second. We feed her, change her, hold her, rock her, give her a bottle, etc. This lets her know we are the ones to look to in order to get her needs met. If too many people hold and take care of her, then she becomes confused and doesn't bond with anyone in particular, but everyone in general. This is what happens in an orphange setting, and we have to promote bonding with one or two people now. We hope you will understand and won't feel slighted if we decline to let you hold, feed or change her for awhile. (like you really want to change her! haha) We love you all!
Bonding and Sleeping...What is a Schedule???
Back to the schedule....Jasper went to work today downtown. He works on a consultant basis there several times a week. He also went to check on a project that is under construction. My husband is a self-employed architect. I'm sure he's excited to immerse himself back into the world of design, drawings and calculations. It's a much needed break from diapers, bottles and crying spells...the baby's, not his. (haha) Joshua attends summer school and Hannah and MeiMei trekked off to Vacation Bible School at the local Baptist church today. One bottle and one bag of blue slimy stuff came home today which let me know they are knee-deep in fun there. So what did I do? Ah hmmm...the baby and I slept until almost noon and then we napped again in the afternoon. I think we are the ones who have been hit by the jet-lag the hardest! Someone wrote and said not to sleep during the day but my body is rebelling in a serious manner with every cell of my being telling me I am too old to comply with that. It's about 2:00 a.m. and I'll be heading to bed soon which is a much earlier time that the last several nights. I am slowly adjusting. My cousin said she just wanted to sleep all the time when she had jet-lag....I wish!
Patrick is still hanging in here with us and we are very happy to have him stay. He is a tremendous help to us! Wow, I am still trying to get used to being "mom of 4".....I need him! The subject line in one email to me read "super mom"...I feel more like "super sleepy." This too shall pass! Sleep well everyone....I hope I do!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Fun At Home!
Thank You Awesome Friends and Family!
Amy and Tim, who live about an hour from our house, took really good care of Patrick, Hannah and Joshua. They were so sweet and loving and I want to thank them. One Saturday, they drove up and took Patrick and company to lunch, the local science center and an Imax movie. They also brought some frozen burritos and a lasagna for all of us to enjoy. They came bearing gifts for Hannah for her birthday and one for Jasper and me when we got home. I can't thank them enough for all they did to make our time away from home and our arrival back easier. They were even at the airport when we arrived! I am sure Esther Marie is going to soon be attached to cousin Amy and Tim, as all of my children are!
I want to especially thank Debbie B. who helped by coming over to my house one day to help me clean and sort MaryAlyce's room, which had become a disaster of a mess. She spent tireless hours helping me sort through things, get rid of stuff and organize! She even mended a couple of items and returned some books I had checked out. She and her husband, Emery, were on standby in case the family here at home needed anything....and they showed up at the airport to greet us.
Next I want to thank Susan N. and her family for all they have done. Susan has been checking the blog site tirelessly and helped make Hannah's 12th birthday one to remember...since it happened when we were in China. She and her daughter, who also had a birthday, invited Hannah over so they could have a joint party. Hannah, Evie and a couple of other girls had pizza, a cookie cake, went swimming, went to a movie, spent the night together, and went to the ceramics place the next morning. They had a blast! Susan and her husband, Victor, were also on standby to help Patrick with anything needed. Susan, Victor and the girls came to the airport with balloons in hand to welcome us home.
Vanessa and Tim were the hosts for the yard sale to benefit Esther Marie. Even though they had a rainstorm that morning, they persisted and had great results. Many thanks to them and to everyone else from the church who helped! WOW! I cry each time I think of this awesome gesture of love. Vanessa and Tim were in the group at the airport and we loved seeing their smiling faces.
Last but not least, thanks SO VERY MUCH to Patrick who gave up his time and left his home to come and be the guardian of Hannah and Joshua while we were away. I can hardly express how awesome he is! We love you Patrick..and thank you! Of course, he and Joshua were at the airport complete with the "ladybug express" to carry us home.
Many thanks again to everyone else for your love, support, interest, and prayers!
We love you all!
Sarah and Jasper
A Loving Church Family Who Really Cares!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Anyone have a Jetlag Cure or Suggestions?
We had a good flight home and the kids cried minimally. Of course, Jasper and I didn't get much sleep because someone was always wanting or needing something. Esther Marie seemed to be running a slight temp at one point and MaryAlyce had a nosebleed from the dry air in the plane. Both were resolved fairly easily. Esther Marie doesn't seem to be running any more fever thankfully. Her nose is a bit runny though.
After we crammed the luggage into the van, we decided we needed to eat around midnight (our lunch time in China), so we went to IHOP. It was good to sit down and talk and have a nice hot cup of coffee. I didn't have any on the flight because I was afraid it would get kicked over by wiggly feet or hands. We were all up until around 2:30 and when the kids went to bed, then Patrick and Jasper and finally me. Most of us slept in until about 3:00 on Saturday. I am sure that was a mistake but it felt SO good to rest. I have picked up a cold along the way so I have the sniffles and some sneezing...ugh. The stuffy atmosphere in the plane is enough to make you sick. Anyway, things are going pretty well around here even though we are blitzed with jet lag.
Esther Marie is having fun exploring her new environment. I can see that we need to childproof alot more! I have forgotten what it was like to have a true toddler who is SO curious. She seems to love climbing up on things, especially chairs. Shortly after we got home, Emmie dragged a chair around the room and landed in front of the kitchen drawers. She put it right in front of one, climbed up on the chair, opened the drawer and discovered the contents. Then she would move on. We were watching her carefully! MORE drawer safety latches coming right up! She has been playing with her new ladybug ball, a tiny blow-up beach ball and a Noah's Ark play set. She also enjoyed playing with an empty gallon water jug. In China at the hotel, her favorite "toys" ended up being the two empty water large water bottles and a coke bottle. We were so happy the maid didn't carry them away because she ended up being entertained by them for hours! She is having fun playing with sisters and brother and getting to know...peek-a-boo is a favorite. She thinks eating is the greatest and tried pasta and butter beans today....mashed up. She hasn't cried yet except when she was going to sleep..but only for a short while. She seems to have trouble with bedtime, but we know that will get better with time.
I am very grateful that Patrick is still here! Jasper and I had joked that he would probably be packed and waiting with the car running so he could leave the second we pulled into the driveway. Thankfully, that did NOT end up being the case! He is hanging around to help us get over jet lag. He fed the kids today and fixed dinner, baked brownies and took the three older ones to the park and grocery. I was in a daze so I'm glad he could do all that....Jasper too.
I am sorry to say that we won't be going to church this first Sunday because I would love to see everyone and let them meet Esther Marie. Hopefully, we can make it next Sunday...and I hope everyone understands. We still have to unpack and get some more energy before we venture out. I will be glad if that does not take more than a few days!
Give us a call if you would like...we'd love to hear from you. (New photos posted below.)
The Ladybug Express
Joshua and Hannah have hung balloons on the mailbox to welcome their new sister home...and the rest of us too. (see photo below) Now they prepare the family "wagon" to head to the airport and have christened it "The Ladybug Express." Hope we fit in with all the luggage!
Hannah and Joshua Bearing Gifts
Hannah put on her Chinese dress and she and Joshua brought beautiful flowers for Mom, Dad and MaryAlyce...and a ladybug ball for Esther Marie. Hannah was SO excited to find this special ball at the grocery store of all places. Esther Marie will love it!
We Are Finally Home!!
What a wonderful "sight for sore eyes" to see Johua, Hannah and Patrick..along with many others....soon after we got off the plane. We could hardly believe they had all come so late at night....we got in about 10:30 p.m. Cousins had even driven from an hour away and had to travel back home around 11:30 p.m. Thanks everyone for being so supportive...and for the balloons too! Susan, Victor, Evie, and Torie....Debbie and Emery....Vanessa and Tim....Amy and Tim....we love you guys! If you couldn't make it to greet us because it was so late, we understand! We know we have been in the thoughts and prayers of many throughout this trip and we appreciate it so much.
Mommy Introduces Esther Marie
Hannah, this is your new baby sister....Esther Marie HaiMei.....what do you think of her?
Warm Hugs and Kisses
Joshua and MaryAlyce embrace with warm hugs and kisses. MaryAlyce is SO happy to see her big brother and sister again. She really missed them while in China!
Wide Eyed and Wondering
Hey Mom, who are ALL of these people taking pictures of me and looking at me? (Esther Marie is FINALLY home and a U.S. Citizen.)
Ohhhhhh....I like touching and smelling these....they are beautiful. (But not as beautiful as you are, little Esther Marie! We doubt that she has ever seen flowers or smelled them, so this is a new experience that she appears to like. She will have many new experiences from now on.)
4-Ever In Our Hearts...First Pic of Our 4 Together!
Here are our four...together at last...and mommy and daddy were both crying and smiling at this beautiful sight. We have waited a long time for this day and for this first photo of our children together. Thanks Uncle Patrick for getting this great shot!
A Sweet Smile for the Crowd
At first Esther Marie looked a little shell-shocked by all the activity when we arrived, but she soon warmed up and her cute little personality started to peak out. By the end of the hour together, she was playing peek-a-boo, blowing kisses, smiling and waving. She is a sweet child, blessed with a charming spite of all that she has been deprived of the first two years of her life. She is truly a miracle and we are SO BLESSED that God chose our family to adopt her!
Most of the Airport Gang
At the Airport 013, originally uploaded by Patrick Q.
Here's a photo of the whole group at the airport, minus Susan and Patrick who were both taking photos. Thanks to everyone for staying up so late on a Friday night to greet us. What a welcome sight after such a long trip!
Welcome Home Signs, Flowers and Balloons
Friday, June 20, 2008
Getting Ready for the New Arrival
Josh and Hannah are so excited to meet their new baby sister tonight!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Hong Kong on the Return
We made a mad dash to the train station in Guangzhou after the Consulate appointment. A porter had already taken our bags to be checked. You have to go up escalators to the third floor to check in and go through customs and then you have to go back down to the first via escalators to the platform. We again have too many carry-ons this trip so we looked like a small circus trying to get all the stuff, two kids and a stroller up and down. WHEW! But we made it. When we arrived in Hong Kong, the hotel...that was JUST across the street....was hard to get to with ALL of the luggage and all of the kids...both families. We had to go through the train station, across to an elevator, across a bride and through part of a mall. Here we went....5 adults, 6 children, 13 or so LARGE pieces of luggage, two strollers, and at least a dozen carry-ons or more. We were exhausted just getting to the hotel! We were never so glad to see porters at the doorway to the hotel. We have a suite room...too bad we don't have much time to enjoy it. But the view of the city was a lovely site for 4 tired travelers. McDonalds at the train station was our dinner choice after we got our luggage settled into the room. The apple pies are still FRIED here! And they serve corn kernels in a cup if you are wanting a veggie with your hamburger. We collapsed in bed after dinner and had a pretty good night with only a few wake-ups by our sleeping beauties. I had better sign off now and get dressed for the trip. Love to all! Sarah
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
America....Here We Come!
We have not been able to actually "view" our blog site for some time now...we believe China has us blocked. We have been able to post or edit posts. We look forward to seeing any "guest book" entries when we arrive in Hong Kong or when we get home. If you have signed it or left a comment, thank you so much. If you haven't, we would love for you to do so. we come....home with our newest family member.....Esther Marie HaiMei! I can hardly believe it. However, she is a busy little toddler so that helps it all to sink in! (laugh)
Love to all!
Sarah...and Jasper...and MaryAlyce...and of course, Esther Marie
It's Time to Pack and Bring Esther Marie Home!
Yesterday, we had the medical exam for Esther Marie that is required before we can leave China. It's not a big deal but the kids are always scared and there is crying. Esther Marie weighs 23 lbs. but we didn't catch her length before they whisked the paperwork away. We'll get that at her next doctor visit. On July 7th, she will be 27 months old. After the medical exam, we boarded our bus and headed for the Guangdong Social Welfare Institute...about 1-1/2 hours away. It was raining...again. The drive was interesting but the kids got bored. When we got there, we were greeted warmly and shown some areas of the institute. Rebecca told us that this orphanage is a more wealthy one and has good facilities. The parts we were allowed to see were very air conditioning. Most of the children are special needs and are very young. Older children are in foster homes. I was struck by the starkness and the babies are in cribs with boards for mattresses. There is no cushioning. They all had on little pink PJs and had a small blanket. Even newborns are in beds with boards. It broke my heart and I cried. I wish I could bring more of them home. In each section where we were allowed to go, we were greeted with people calling out...Hai Mei, Hai Mei. She seemed to be well-known and loved. I was glad to learn this. Her caretakers seemed to genuinely care about and like her. She didn't seem to be bonded to any of them in particular though. It was an interesting eye-opener about orphanages in China and this is one of the nicest ones.
After we left there, we had lunch at a local restaurant. We had a private dining room and ate at a very large round table again. The wait-staff are always so gracious and polite and will help you in any way that they can. Big contrast to many restaurants in the states!
After lunch, on we traveled to our babies' "finding spots". Just two families made this trip to the orphanage...Esther Marie's and Lizzie's. We actually found the spots where our babies had been left and found by someone. Esther Marie was found in an industrial area and Lizzie was found in a city near a bakery. This was such an emotional time for me and again I cried. I am SO glad that someone found my baby girl and that she survived! Since she was found outdoors, she actually had been attacked by ants and has some scarring because of the bad bites she received.
I am glad that we made the trip but it was a long day and around 5:00 pm when we returned to the hotel...exhausted, both physically and emotionally.
Today....Wednesday, we had a more relaxed breakfast because we were not meeting to go somewhere. After 9:30, we had to stay close to the room in case the consulate had any questions about our paperwork. We got the call from Rebecca around 10:30 that everything had gone well. That is a good call to receive because it means everything is in order and we can get the baby's visa so she can enter the United States. When we touch down at home, she will actually become a U.S. Citizen!
At 11:30, we had group photos at the "red couch" area in the hotel. This is a tradition for adopting families. Then it was on to the zoo at the rain....ugh! I wish we had skipped this but the kids really wanted to go. We made it back to the hotel by 5:00 and had to meet at 5:45 to go on the dinner cruise on the Pearl River. This is a good way to enjoy all the lights along the waterway, on the bridges, and on the buildings. All of these activities are scheduled for us by our facilitators...I guess they don't want us to get "bored." (haha)
Tomorrow, we are free to pack until we leave for the consulate for our appointment at 3:00. Then we will catch a train to Hong Kong, spend the night and get up early to catch the 10:30 a.m. flight home on Friday. We will arrive home on Friday night around 10:00 p.m. after about 24 hours of traveling. Please pray for us that the trip goes smoothly and safely and that all the babies and children on the plane won't cry all the time!
God bless you all...we look forward to seeing you soon!
Love from Sarah
Monday, June 16, 2008
Two China Princesses and a Visit to the Gardens
Anyway, we had a wonderful Monday in Guangzhou, even though it was incredibly HOT and muggy. You wonder why you take a shower because you are soaking shortly after you go anywhere outside. We had another nice breakfast at the White Swan Hotel...the buffet is incredible. Afterward, our group met and got on our bus and went to the Botanical Garden. I was thinking this trip would be boring but the garden was incredible! I enjoyed it but we didn't stay long enough because it was so hot. It was pristine and picturesque, and I wish I could have stayed all day...without take photos...just me and a camera. Of course, that wish would have included winter-time weather! (haha)
After we finished there, we met at the Noodle House Restaurant next door for lunch. It was a very pretty places with good food. We sit at large round tables in many of the restaurants and the staff wait on you with such graciousness. I LOVE the service when you go out to eat. The dishes of food are brought to the table as each one is prepared. They are put on a big lazy Susan in the middle of the table and you can help yourself from each bowl. I did enjoy the food, but was really wishing for something cold and lighter after such a hot morning outside.
When we arrived back at the hotel, we took the kids swimming at the hotel pool. It is beautiful with a waterfall and Jasper took both of the girls in while I took photos and shot some video. They had fun and it was sweet to watch Esther Marie laughing and giggling with her dad and sister. MaryAlyce took off her floaties and tried swimming again for the first time this season. She's out of practice, but it was good for her to try. Esther Marie fell asleep in her daddy's arms wrapped up in a towel while we were talking to some other people around the pool. We are enjoying getting to know other adoptive families..and hearing their stories.
After the pool, Esther Marie napped for awhile and the rest of us got showered and dressed for dinner. At 6:00 p.m., we went to a Thai Restaurant and met our main adoption coordinator for dinner. She had traveled a couple of hours by train to see us this was SO GOOD to see Lily! We will see her in the states again when she makes a trip to visit our families where we live. She has one adopted child herself, so I know she understands much of what we experience. She has two children and lives here in China.
After dinner, we poked around in a couple of shops and then came back to the room. We like to say hello to Grace at the "China Doll." We borrowed a stroller from her tonight for MaryAlyce and should have done it sooner. Sometimes the walking we do can be alot for short legs! We are going to the zoo on Wed. and thought we would need it. Tomorrow, we have the medical examination for our newly adopted children and then two of the couples (including us) are headed to our babies' orphanage...about an hour and a half away. It will be a long day for little ones on the bus...but we want to see where they had been living.
We hope you all are doing well....we miss everyone....and it will be good to get back home! One lady said she can't wait to get back and enjoy a large salad...I agree!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Josh and Hannah and Uncle Pat video chatted twice today with Mama, Daddy, MaryAlyce and EstherMarie. Mei Mei was still asleep when we grabbed this screen capture. It is so good to see each other and hear one another's voices. Hooray for technology!
Are We On The Wanted List Now in Guangzhou???
We don't have any photos, but wish that we did. We were afraid to whip out the camera at the police station since we didn't know if we were allowed to. We remembered when our friend Lewis took photos in an official area at the Beijing airport and the officers there got so upset, so we didn't want to take any chances. Oh well.....
Saturday, June 14, 2008
No, it's not a magical machine that zooms you to China with the flip of a switch...but we sure wish it were! Hannah and Josh spent the day today with Uncle Patrick and Cousins Amy and Tim at the local children's science museum. In the photo, they are about to begin an exciting simulation ride! At the museum, they watched the iMax movie Everest and spent a few hours exploring the hands-on exhibits. Just a little adventure to pass the time until Mom and Dad and the girls get home to tell us more about their big adventure! Come home soon! We love and miss you, H. & J.