Monday, November 10, 2008

A "New" Room for Esther Marie

This weekend, we cleaned up and rearranged MaryAlyce's room. She is our six year old. I am always amazed when I tackle the kids' rooms because I find the most bizarre objects stuffed into the most unlikely places! Try to figure out a kid's mind!

So why the major clean-up and re-do? Well, we were making room for Esther Marie in there. MaryAlyce and she are going to be sharing a bedroom. Thankfully, it is the largest of the three kids' rooms. Up until last night, Esther Marie has been in her little baby bed in our room. I just needed her close during the first few months she was home. She is sleeping through the night now, and it is a good time to transition her to her "new" room.

Last night (Sunday), was the first night Esther Marie slept in her "new" room, and it went exceptionally well. First, I let her play in the room for awhile and then told her it was "night night" time. The glider rocker we have had since Hannah was a baby hasn't been used much since MaryAlyce was little. Since Esther Marie will now let me cuddle her more, I tried rocking her to sleep. With soft nature sounds playing in the background, I rocked and sang and she fell fast asleep in my arms. It is interesting to note that she usually doesn't like being held in the laying down position, but she let me do that while I rocked her.....and it thrilled me! Today went just as well when I rocked her to sleep for her nap. (Keeping my fingers far, so good.) When I just try laying her down in her bed, she gets anxious and cries. I know it must feel funny to her to be in a different room after over four months in our room. She has not spent much time in this new room up until now. Eventually, we will have bunk beds for the girls...but for now, we will make do with what we have.

Wednesday morning at 10:00, we have our first home study appointment since we brought Esther Marie home. The social worker will come out to our house and check things out. Before the year is up, we will have three home study visits (post-adoption). I believe two of the three visits are required by China and the other one by the agency. I'll keep you posted on how that goes.

Our children are out of school tomorrow for Veterans' Day. What are your plans?


Anonymous said...

Sounds like she is really doing well with everything. We can't wait to meet her and see all of you! We are counting down the days until Thanksgiving break. Don't listen to anybody who tells you that it is "wrong" to rock your kids to sleep! I loved doing that with Jon and Joe and they have turned out just fine. It was a special time and even when they got older they would want to rock when they were sick or had had a bad day. I sometimes still want to rock them!
Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

So you are trying to figure out the mind of a kid. Good luck - i'll buy the book. Once you accomplish that you could write a book on how to figure out the mind of a woman.