Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Historic Day After The Presidental Election

Since I was talking about getting out to vote yesterday, I thought I should make a blog entry the "day after" about the new President-Elect....Barack Obama. This is not the man we voted for, none-the-less, he will be in our prayers as he begins even now to make plans to lead this great country. I pray he will seek God as he leads our country over the next four years.

On another note, the stock market took a major dive....486 points. If electing Mr. Obama is such a great thing, what gives? I know it is a very complex issue and people are worried about the economy and their wallets, but this was pretty surprising to me. If he is the "savior" for the United States, I thought the market would soar way UP today.

Jasper tells me that gasoline in our area is $2.25/gallon and that makes me VERY happy! I hope it will stay low like that during the holiday travel season. Am I just whistling "Dixie" to wish that? Leave me a comment and let me know what you think the prices will do over the next couple of months.

One last note on this post....I have a VERY tender-hearted, six-year-old daughter who cried and cried because Mr. Obama was elected. But why? Because he does not take a pro-life stand. In this house, that is important to us! It amazed me that she was so passionate about that and cared so much! Mr. have one precious little girl in our family who is your supporter all the way...and campaigned to make sure her mom and dad were going to vote for you. It worked...we did! We are sorry you were not elected!

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