Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Our Kids Say The Funniest Things!

We get a lot of laughs around here because of things the kids say which are cute and/or funny. Sometimes we are almost rolling in the floor laughing. So I thought I would share something funny each of our three oldest children has said lately:


Joshua and MaryAlyce had their school photos made awhile back and when I got the proofs, I didn't like them that much, so I signed them up to get their pictures re-taken. Last Friday was the day, and we got up earlier than normal so I could help Joshua and MaryAlyce with their clothes and hair. Once satisfied and having given the normal motherly instructions not to get all messed up before they had their pictures taken, I shooed them out the door. MaryAlyce was hanging back hesitant to leave so I asked her what was the matter. She said...Mommy, if we are having our "make-up" photos done, don't we need to put on our "make up" before we leave?? I just had to hug the stuffing out of her before I explained to her quickly what "make-up" photos were!!


We have been talking about political issues around here quite a bit and the dinner table seems to be our best forum for that. I love family meal time! Tonight the subject of "abortion" came up, and I was preparing to explain it to the kids. Joshua looked particularly puzzled, so I asked him if he knew what that was already. He said "yes" and proceeded to explain......"Well, no offense, Mom and Dad, and I don't think it will happen to you, but if you decide to split up, then you would be getting an "abortion." Ummm....wrong word, sweet Joshua.


I made a doctor appointment for Hannah recently and told her about it. When her Dad arrived home from work, she decided to fill him in about the appointment. "Hey Dad....Mom will be taking me to the "taxidermist" soon because I am going to have that mole on my back taken off.

Are you smiling yet? I sure am! Thank God for the comical relief we have in our family!

Do you have a funny "word story" to share? Please leave us a comment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kids - aw yes if we could only understand the way they do - these thoughts need to be shared.