Monday, September 29, 2008

Happy Birthday, Grandma!

I just want to give a "shout out" to my mother who had a birthday today....Happy Birthday, Mom! We love you!
The kids had fun calling tonight to sing to her and Esther Marie joined in the fun with a smile on her face....just belting it out....well, she was singing something.....we are just not sure what exactly! Then the kids took turns talking...telling Grandmother all about their activities and school. Even Esther Marie got on the phone and paced around, jabbering away, pausing here and there to laugh. Grandmother has a lot of patience, that's for sure!

Here's the funny part about the birthday call......

I was washing the dishes after dinner and because I had wet hands, I asked Hannah to grab my cell phone and dial Grandmother so we could all sing to her. So she did and put the call on speaker phone. When she heard someone pick up, she started singing away....and we all joined in. It was a boisterous and somewhat off-key rendition of "Happy Birthday" and when we finished, we heard this surprised and confused voice on the other end asking...."My Birthday???!!!" (oooops.....wrong Grandmother!!! Hannah had dialed her daddy's mother!!) We profusely apologized, assured her that she was not another year older, had a good laugh, promised to call back, and then quickly called the real birthday lady. So we had an embarrassing moment tonight that we could all laugh at ourselves about.

My mother, the REAL birthday lady, is having some major dental surgery tomorrow morning. If you think of her, I am sure she would appreciate your prayers, both during the surgery and for the next few days while she is recuperating. Her name is Betty...and thanks for praying!

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