Saturday, September 27, 2008

Help Recycle Items You No Longer Need and Perhaps Find Items For FREE That You Do Need...Here's How!

I met with a friend today who told me about these cool yahoo groups all across the country....called FREECYCLE.

"The Freecycle Network (TM) is a nonprofit organization and a movement of people interested in keeping usable items out of landfills. Freecycle also helps people find new homes for items that are "too good to throw away," but are gathering dust and taking up space in the attic or garage. Just post a message telling what it is you are giving away (or looking for), and interested members will reply. All items offered or requested through the group MUST be "free, legal, and appropriate for all ages."

You will need a yahoo mail account to join a group in your area. It is suggested that your email address be "non-identifying." To find a group in your area, just do a search for Freecycle with your town name and state....or another town close by to you.

Have fun RECYCLING!! And if you join a group in your area and have success, it would be fun to hear from leave a comment on this post.

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