Saturday, July 26, 2008

Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?

We had a pot luck supper this past Wednesday at church...Esther Marie's first...and she was more quiet than normal. I think the sounds of all of the people were overwhelming her a little, but she was happy to eat and she did look around at all the people. She enjoyed some peas and mac & cheese and her eyes got really wide and she smiled big when mommy let her have some Key Lime Pound Cake. Mmmmmmm!

After dinner, we went up from the fellowship hall to the sanctuary and Ms. Kathy, the children's pastor, made a presentation to our family. The incredibly awesome children in Children's Church, grades 1 - 6, have been having a contest to collect money for Esther Marie's surgery. They did all sorts of things and even contributed allowances. It was a contest between boys and girls and the GIRLS WON! (sorry boys!) All total, these kids raised $325.70 for Emmie! WOW! Thank you to all the kids from the bottoms of our hearts! They have also been having prayer times for her and have shown an incredible interest in and tenderness toward her. We have truly been touched in a special way by their efforts and love.

We were allowed to share for a few minutes, and I was again able to briefly tell about the miracle that God provided in regard to the surgery expenses. About half the people there this past Wednesday night had not heard my testimony the previous week.

We ended the night with a fun time! The 5th and 6th graders have been working hard all summer to learn Bible facts. Why? Because some adult "contestants" from the church were chosen to participate in our church's version of "Are you smarter than a 5th (6th Grader)?" Our pastor was the show host and the kids did a fantastic job! The laughter was contagious and you couldn't help being amused and stumped! Well, I for one know I am NOT smarter than a 5th/6th grader at our church and I am totally willing to admit it! (haha)

Have you ever watched that game on T.V. and realized just how much stuff you don't know! Do you ever feel like you need to repeat 5th grade?? (laugh) Drop us a comment and let us know what you think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Watched the show once ...had to go to my therapist.... it completely destroyed any self esteem I may have had ... The show should be reated yyy now suitable for persons over 35