Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Summer School Is Over!

School's out! Yippie! Joshua, who completed third grade this past school year, was given a chance to go to summer school...an enrichment program. He started on June 2nd and his last day was July 11th. I think he is glad to be done with the school part, but he says he is going to miss his new friends. The good news is one of them will be going to his school this year. Here's a picture of Joshua with his reading class, taken during the open house they had. Hannah and MaryAlyce joined the group for the photo. The boys acted out a play that was based on the Emperor's new clothes. There was alot of laughing and the principal ended up in his underwear! No, not the REAL principal...just one of the boys playing the part. Summer sure is zipping by this year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Josh