Saturday, January 10, 2009

Two Silver and One Bronze

A MaryAlyce story...brief but funny....

The kids were playing games on the Wii tonight and MaryAlyce was telling how she had "won some medals" when she was playing on her cousins' Wii...while visiting in Texas.

She then told us she had won "two silver and one bras medal." (pronounced like the undergarment women wear!)

It was so dang cute and spoken in that sweet little MaryAlyce voice, that we just HAD to ask her to repeat it a couple of times. Daddy then gave her a big ole hug and Mommy gently explained how to say the word correctly.

Kids can be SO innocent in those kinds of mistakes, you can't help but smile!


Virginia said...

How nice to "see" you again! Thanks for following my blog. Would love to know how you found it. Hope you will comment from time to time. I remember how very good your photographs were in class. I need to sign up for another class but will be taking French this next term.

It's good to see all your kiddos again!

Sarah said...

Thanks for the compliment, V. Glad to reconnect with you!

Anonymous said...