Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama's Inauguration.....A New Beginning....REALLY????

This morning, the inauguration of our 44th President, Barack Obama, was televised and it was blaring on two televisions in the house....maybe three. No, we didn't vote for him. Yes, we were interested, as much of the world was, in watching this historic occasion. I have to be honest and say that I couldn't join in with the news commentators in the "ecstatic joy" they kept claiming that EVERYONE has for this new President, the "savior" of America. I felt a sadness for him that he has to lead our country in this very difficult time. I am praying for his safety and for strength....for his faith to be strong. I am hoping that he doesn't get disillusioned too quickly and become discouraged like so many of the people in this country are now. It is a very tough road ahead for him and you couldn't pay me to do his job.

I also felt sad for President Bush because I think people tend to blame one man for too much of the woes and failures in life....that is unfair and unjust. I hope he will have some time to rest and reflect but he won't beat up on himself.

I heard one newscaster say that Obama will need 50 billion dollars to get this economy jump-started and I had to ask myself what "new beginning" everyone was thinking we would have as a nation as we sink deeper and deeper into financial ruin??? Ummm...WHERE is this money coming from? Sounds like more of the same old stuff to me....entitlement and programs for all!

I think our nation needs a reality check! We "the people" need to force our "leaders" to trim the budget, tighten their belts, stop the perks and earmarks, and get out of debt! How will that happen if everyone thinks they deserve what they are "entitled" to??? Okay, I am not a politician (obviously) so I will shut up now. But I will keep praying for this nation to "see the light" of Jesus and come to their senses....so there will be a better world for my precious children when they are grown.

(Inauguration button shown above available for purchase...click here.)


Anonymous said...

New? A new begining? We can be very thankful we do not have that job.

We got into this economic mess by borowing to acquire "stuff" that we could not afford.

S,to borrow (from China, Suadi Arabia and others) up to 3 Trillian dollars to pay for the 'stuff" and more "stuff" that we will never, in our life times, be able to pay back. Of course that goes on top of the almost 11 Trillion already borrowed - which goes up at 3.4 billion each day.

Is that a new beginning? Living beyond our means is NOT NEW.

By the way you and each of your children owe the creditors $34,845.26 towards today's debt. Oh, plus your credit card debt.

http://www.brillig.com/debt_clock/ b

Anonymous said...

hey where are the dance pics etc...