Saturday, December 27, 2008

Another Family Day At Home

Today, I realized (more than ever) that I should NOT let the kids stay up way past their bedtime unless it is a very special occasion! We had some grumpy-heads hanging around! And so the bickering began and kept on......until three of them had naps this afternoon!! That seemed to do the trick and helped stop some of the fussing.

In spite of the tiredness, we did have a good day hanging out as a family with no real pressure or stress from outside forces. I love having time together like that! Jasper went downtown for a short time early this morning to do a little work and to pick up a stray package at UPS. The kids and I slept in and that was bliss. We had a nice brunch again this morning and the kids played a lot with the toys they got from Santa.

We had our post-Christmas BIG meal this evening and so there was some preparation earlier in the day for that. I put a small, fresh turkey in the oven and then Hannah and I headed out together to do a little shopping in the afternoon/early evening. We had fun together...mostly window shopping. When we got home, I finished up dinner and we had a very nice meal....turkey, green bean casserole, rice and giblet gravy, corn, cranberry sauce and rosemary rolls. For dessert......the cheesecake that Hannah and her daddy made a couple of days ago....and boy was it GOOD! Emmie LOVED it and wanted MORE!

The clean-up was a lot........and as I was standing at the kitchen sink forever, I was trying to figure out if the meal was worth all the dish and pot-scrubbing afterwards....but knowing how much my family enjoyed the meal, I can definitely say.....YES!

Tomorrow, we have our "family Christmas" where we exchange gifts with each other.....since Santa came on Christmas day. The kids are excited all over again.....and I'm glad that we had a few days between the two special days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

caught up on your blogs.... love the way you write ... and all those great pics ...sounds like you had a great family time b