Saturday, October 18, 2008

Yes, We Are Still Alive and Kicking...In Case You Have Been Wondering!

The kids are safely tucked into bed, and I am unwinding here after a long day, sipping a cup of Chai Spice Tea with honey and cream. (Thank you, Patrick, for the tea!) I have a cinnamon-scented candle burning, right here on the computer desk...ironically, it is named "Reflections." I would like to be able to tell you that I hear crickets outside, chirping in the background, but alas summer has slipped away and the weather here in the deep south has finally cooled off a bit. The sounds I hear now are my own click-clacking at the keyboard and the hummm of the baby monitor. So where is Jasper? Downstairs on his computer, working away at a deadline. I am going to try to entice him upstairs now that it is more quiet with the kids snoring soundly in their beds. Hopefully, he will bring his laptop up to the kitchen table and plop it down so we can have our late-night, technological togetherness! (ha ha)

So you might be wondering, WHERE HAS SHE BEEN FOR OVER TWO WEEKS???...that is, IF you are still checking in on the blog every once in awhile. Well, I am still around but must admit to some burn-out that caused me to have to step back from a few things.....although probably not enough...including my blogging. It seems each time we add a new child to the family, we always have a typical post-adoption adjustment period of around six months where we are all trying to get used to each other and the new changes in our lives. I am sure most families experience this even with a natural-born child, but the adjustments necessary can be more strained, I think, when you add a child, via adoption, who is older than a newborn. It is very stressful at times trying to deal with each person's emotions and can be difficult to keep things balanced. With a pre-menopausal mother and a precious, little, constantly-meddling, inquisitive two-year-old in the family, I am sure any outsider looking in would wonder if the "play" they are watching is a tragedy or a comedy...or perhaps some of both. All that to say, we have had some stressful moments the last couple of weeks due to the adjustments, and we continue to covet your prayers during this time. Our initial "honeymoon" period has worn off and we are now having some true "reality-show" moments!! (Forget it, we are not going to start broadcasting! laugh)

Since it has been awhile since I have written and told you what is going on with the kids, especially Esther Marie, I am going to back-track some and post a few photos. Along with the photos, I will chatter at you and share some of the things we have been up to lately.

Thanks for sticking with me, and I hope you will leave me a comment to let me know you are still around. I have to admit, I am envious of those bloggers who seem to get a lot of comments about their posts. (hint-hint) I hope all of you are having a pleasant fall weekend!!

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